MonkeyPuzzle Computers: Ilminster, Somerset

Blog Tag Results for "server"

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Server 2003 End of Life

Author Phil Wright | Post 03rd Feb 2015 at 10:47 | 4582 views

Windows Server 2003 End of Life We hear a lot about Cloud Computing these days, but the fact of the matter is that many, many businesses still run a server on-premises, as this is the best solu... more

The Server is Dead. Long Live the Server!

Author Phil Wright | Post 06th Jul 2016 at 12:19 | 4923 views

You hear this cry a lot these days - servers are old news, cloud computing is the way forward. And while I agree in principle and in most cases, it's not always so clear cut. There are huge... more

Why a Server?

Author Phil Wright | Post 10th Jun 2012 at 22:02 | 4944 views

Recently we have been doing a lot of work with Cloud computing. For many clients, hosting part of their IT infrastructure in the Cloud has significant advantages - reduced cost, increased functiona... more
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