MonkeyPuzzle Computers: Ilminster, Somerset


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Opening Times

  Our Ilminster office is open by appointment only for walk-in visits. If you would like to come to the Ilminster office, please call beforehand to ensure someone is available to meet...

New website launched for Farndon Thatch B&B near Ilminster, Somerset

Today we have launched a new website for Farndon Thatch B&B near Ilminster, Somerset. Located in the Somerset village of Puckington, just a couple of miles north of Ilminster, the house and garden...


If you haven’t heard of ransomware by now, then you really should have. It’s an industry-wide problem that is getting worse and causes all manner of disruption. Ransomware programs encr...

Email - How is it For You

Email. It’s such mundane part of our lives. Open up our email program; read, write and deal with emails; repeat as required. Always there, always useful, never pretty. But have a litt...

Thinking of Starting a New Business?

Thinking of Starting a New Business? I popped in to see my accountant the other day as I had a minor financial query. I’m lucky that he’s very open to such visits, not least because...

Server 2003 End of Life

Windows Server 2003 End of Life We hear a lot about Cloud Computing these days, but the fact of the matter is that many, many businesses still run a server on-premises, as this is the best solu...

Canny IT for a New Business

Canny IT for a New Business This article is a response to another article I read recently. The article was entitled ‘Top 10 Internet Products for Starting a New Business’ and can be...

Technical Help

PDFS How do I view PDFs? You will need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader in order to view PDF files. You can download Acrobat Reader free of charge from the Adobe website. Visit Access Adobe to find ou...

Technical Help

PDFS How do I view PDFs? You will need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader in order to view PDF files. You can download Acrobat Reader free of charge from the Adobe website. Visit Access Adobe to find out ho...
Contact Details

10 West Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9AB
T: 01460 200 000
E: Enquiry Form