MonkeyPuzzle Computers: Ilminster, Somerset

MonkeyPuzzle Computers on Twitter


The ability to engage with customers and potential clients on social networking site Twitter offers some very exciting opportunities for us as a company. Whilst it is entirely possible to enter into the frivolous side of Twitter - do you really want to know we are eating our third digestive biscuit of the day - the beauty of Twitter comes from being able to offer genuine value to our customers in the content of what we post on Twitter.

Help, advice, links to further information on the web, news of developments within the company - the list is long.

More than that prospective clients can gain an insight into what we do and begin a discussion with us. News travels fast on Twitter and geographical boundaries no longer exist. And as well as that, it's a lot of fun.

Follow us on Twitter @monkeypuzzleit

Contact Details

10 West Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9AB
T: 01460 200 000
E: Enquiry Form